
ChefSeptember 29, 2014

USA, 2014 (Rated 14A)
115 minutes

Following the success of his blockbuster Iron Man franchise, writer-director Jon Favreau returns to his scrappy comedic roots with this hilarious and heartfelt story about a professionally frustrated chef in search of a second helping of happiness.

Favreau stars as celebrity chef Carl Casper, who reigns supreme in the kitchen of a trendy Los Angeles restaurant—so long as he continues to please the establishment’s demanding owner. After a restaurant blogger pans Carl’s dishes as safe and predictable, the furious chef becomes engaged in a nasty social-media spat with the carping critic; and when a video of his angry confrontation with the writer goes viral, Carl suddenly finds himself not just unemployed, but virtually unemployable. On the advice of his well-to-do ex-wife, Carl returns to his hometown of Miami, where he got his start as a chef. With a little financial help from his ex-wife’s even better-off ex-husband, Carl decides to refurbish a broken-down food truck as a way of jump-starting his culinary creativity—and reconnecting with his young son.


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