Indian Horse

Indian HorseApril 23, 2018

Showings 4:30, 7:00 and 9:10pm

Canada | Rated: 14A | Drama | Ojibwe/English | 100 minutes

Adapted from acclaimed Ojibwe author Richard Wagamese’s novel of the same name, Indian Horse combines one of our greatest boasts, hockey, and one of our darkest legacies, the residential school system, in a quintessential Canadian story about an indigenous boy whose passion for our national past-time saves his life.

It’s late 1950s when seven-year-old Saul Indian Horse is stolen from his family and forced to live in a residential school. There, he and his school-mates are subjected to routine physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, their cultural identities systematically stripped away in the name of government and Christianity. When he discovers a love of hockey, the rink becomes a safe haven, a survival space. His naturally gifted skills and increasing development of them allow Saul to dream and glimpse a way out of his horrific confinement. The three actors who portray Saul as he grows offer devastatingly poignant and heartbreaking performances, allowing one to be a fan and cheerleader for the protagonist even if not a fan of the game.

From Executive Producer Clint Eastwood and Montreal Director Stephen Campanelli, Indian Horse has won numerous national and international awards and is an important film for all Canadians to see.

“We change the world, one story at a time.” – Richard Wagamese


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