Loving Vincent
February 12, 2018
Showings 4:30, 7:00 and 9:10pm
UK/Poland | Rated: 14A | Animated Film | 94 minutes
The world’s first fully oil-painted animated feature film, Loving Vincent brings the art of Vincent van Gogh to life to recount the life story of this most mysterious, mythical, and tragic of great painters. Shot first as a live-action film, acted by a sterling cast — including Oscar nominee Saoirse Ronan (Brooklyn, The Grand Budapest Hotel), Chris O’Dowd (Molly’s Game, The Sapphires), Jerome Flynn (Game of Thrones), and stage actor Robert Gulaczyk as van Gogh — and then painted over frame by frame with oils, Loving Vincent is simply an extraordinary cinematic achievement.
This unexpected murder mystery follows in the aftermath of van Gogh’s death in July 1890. Armand Roulin (Douglas Booth; Mary Shelley, The Limehouse Golem), the son of an Arles postman (O’Dowd), is instructed by his father to deliver a newly discovered letter to Vincent’s brother, Theo, who had supported the painter emotionally and financially. Making his journey from Paris and then to Auvers-sur-Oise, the northern French town where Vincent died, Armand encounters various people (many subjects from famous van Gogh paintings) who provide contradictory anecdotes about the painter’s death, suggesting it may not have been a suicide after all.
The artist’s intoxicating colours and thick, vibrant brushstrokes come to life in jaw-dropping detail, making this a film best seen on the big screen. The film took more than six years to complete, with about 125 artists diligently hand-painting over 65,000 frames. With the van Gogh Museum in the Netherlands, the ultimate authority on the artist, officially endorsing the film, this will be the most visually stunning and magical film your audiences will see this year.
“Loving Vincent may exist as a showcase for its technique, but it’s the sensitivity the film shows toward its subject that ultimately distinguishes this particular oeuvre from the countless bad copies that already litter the world’s flea markets .” – Peter Debruge, Variety